The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture: The Austrian Example

WEBINAR CONFERENCE & FACEBOOK LIVEOrder of Architects of the Province of Milan
18.00 – 20.00 hrsVia Solferino 17-19

On Thursday 10th March 2022 from 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm, a new meeting of the cycle “The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture” will take place online and via Facebook Live.

After the first six online meetings held in October 2020 – on the Swiss and Finnish examples – in February 2021 – on the British and Danish examples – and in November 2022 – on the Spanish and Chilean examples – the cycle continues in March 2022 with two online meetings on the Austrian (March 10) and Canadian (March 24) examples.

The Foundation of the Order of Architects P.P.C. of the Province of Milan continues promoting the initiative “The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture” curated by the architect Arianna Callocchia. Its goal is to continue to highlight the role and the importance that women play in contemporary architecture. The event has been organised to foster discussion and create an opportunity for dialogue and professional exchange between the Italian and the international scenario.

During the online meeting on 10th March “The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture: The Austrian Example”, the designers themselves will illustrate some projects recently promoted in Austria. The aim is to present their approach and their design philosophy in contemporary architecture within the themes of environmental sustainability, technological innovation and building redevelopment. The meeting will also touch on the relationship with the historical, cultural and urban context.

After the welcome remarks by Bianca Miglietta, Councilor of the Order and Foundation of the Order of Architects P.P.C. of the Province of Milan and Susanne Ranetzky, Director of the Austrian Forum of Culture Milan, the floor will be given to Silja Tillner, Architekten Tillner & Willinger of Wien and Stefanie Wögrath, Illiz Architektur of Wien. Silja Tillner, will illustrate some projects built in Austria significant for their design approach on the themes of circular economy, reuse of buildings, environmental sustainability and reduction of CO2 emissions. Stefanie Wögrath, will present a selection of projects  bult in  Wien linked to social housing, urban regeneration and architectural redevelopment. The meeting will be moderated by Ilaria Valente, DAStU, Politecnico of Milan.

The speeches of the Austrian Speakers will be held in English.

The conference is organised with the Patronage of the Order of Architects P.P.C. of the Province of Milan, the Italian Council of Architects, the Embassy of Austria in Italy,  theÖsterreichisches Kulturforum Mailand, the Frauenmuseum Hittisau and the Bundeskammer der ZiviltechnikerInnen.

Media Partnerof the initiative is the Editorial Group Design Diffusion World Srl


Open to the architects registered with the Order of Architect of Milan and to Italian architects.

Facebook Live
Open to everyone, streamed on the Facebook page of the Order of Architects P.P.C. of the Province of Milan

at 6.00 pm on 10th March 2022.  (Pagina Facebook di Ordine e Fondazione )

More info in Italian available at the following link:
Il contributo delle donne nell’architettura contemporanea: l’esempio austriaco | Ordine degli Architetti (

French Prize for Women Architects

On 6th December 2021, the 9th edition of the Prix des Femmes Architectes was taking place in Paris, France.

The YesWePlan! Team had the honour to take part at the ceremony and to present the project to the audience.

From left to right: Eva Gyüre, BKZT Austria; Spela Nardoni Kuhar, ZAPS Slovenia, Iris Wex, BAK Germany; Catherine Guyot, ARVHA France; Daphne Leder, BKZT Austria; Michael Schwaiger, OXYS Management Germany

The whole event can be watched here as a youtube stream, for those interested the Presentation of the YesWePlan! Project (EN) starts at 00:26:00 in the video.

To learn more about the winners of this year´s Awards, go visit the website of ARVHA.

International Symposium


The University La Sapienza in Rome is organising an international Symposium dedicated to enhancing the presence of Women – students, graduates, scholars and professors – who were educated in the technical-scientific schools of the University. The title of the conference, Techniche Sapienti, holds reference to these two aspects: the 16th century name of Rome University “La Sapienza”, alias The Wisdom, and the technical education, mainly engineering and architecture, of the women under scrutiny.

The event will consist of three sessions:

Download the Program:


WFEO / Women in Engineering (WiE)

Friday, 17 September – 12 PM CEST

The Committee of Women in Engineering of the World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO) is hosting a webinar with the title “Intersectionality of Gender, Climate Change and Engineering“, which will be held via Zoom on Friday, 17 September at 12.00hrs (CEST) in Paris.


Learning-Teaching-Training-Activitiy (LTTA) in Valencia from 06-08 October 2021

Panoramic view of Old Town of Valencia, Spain (c)StockPhoto

The LTTAs are important parts of the YesWePlan! project and offer an exchange of know-how and experience between participants from all partner organisations. It practically shows examples of methods to enhance equality in the profession and offers the possibility to exchanges with local experts:

In Valencia, the participants will have an exchange with representatives from the school of architecture, with female professors, architects and students and with professional representatives. In addition there will be lectures and visits of best practise examples of female architecture.

This “widening of horizons” by practical experience is an important aspects to improve project outcomes and make them even more practically applicable.

For further information please contact:

YesWePlan! Multiplier Event in Slovenia – Preserving female identity in profession, Challenges of Woman architects and Engineers

On the 8th of September, the Slovenian project partner ZAPS will be organising a multiplier event as round table in Ljubljana.

Together with the invited visionaries: Eva Boštjan?i?, PhD, Violeta Bulc, MSc,  Alenka Rebula, PhD, Renata Salecl, PhD and Špela Vide?nik, MSc., women architects and engineers want to highlight their professional and life challenges and also good practices that contribute to the gender equality especially through the perspective of the research results of the YesWePlan! project .

The focus of the event is rather on differentiation than on complementarity and the cooperation of genders.

See below the program (in SLO)

View the Stream of the Webinar here:

Extension of deadline of ARVHA´s Women Architect Awards 2021

The French YesWePlan! Project Partner ARVHA, the Association for Research on the City and Housing, launches in 2021 the 9th edition of the French Prize for Women Architects with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Pavillon de l’Arsenal, the National Council of the Order of Architects the Region Ile de France and the city of Paris. For the 2021 Awards, ARVHA also receives the support of BNP Paribas Real Estate, Ciments Calcia Heidelberg CEMENT Group, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield and COGEDIM Altera.

This award aims at highlighting the work and careers of women architects, so that young women architects can build on existing female models, and at encouraging parity and equality in a male-dominated profession.

The only requirements to participate in the award are to be registered with the Order of Architects or their country (or chamber or architects) and being the author of the projects.

Four prizes are awarded for the the ninth edition :

  • Young Woman Architect Prize for women under 40 years old, for her projects (built or to-be);
  • Original Work Prize for a work conducted by a female architect;
  • Woman architect Prize for projects – 3-5 works constructed;
  • International Prize 3-5 works constructed by a woman architect registered to the Order of Architect in her own country.

The competition is open from the 17th of May and will end the 30th of september 2021.
The award ceremony will be held 6th of december 2021 in the “Pavillon de l’Arsenal” in Paris from 5pm to 8pm.

Information and application on the website