About the Project

Project Overview

The project “YesWePlan!” is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and connects different European partner organisations with the aim of sharing experiences and best practice examples for closing the gender gap in the field of Architecture and Civil Engineering. The project was conducted from November 2019 to April 2022.

  • Promoting women in Architecture and Civil Engineering: Recommendations
    The YesWePlan! Recommendations shall provide tools, methods, and approaches to address (structural) inequalities on different levels. Based on the different outcomes of the project survey that consisted of the YesWePlan! Country Situation Reports, the YesWePlan! Career Tracking System with and online survey and over 100 qualitative interviews and the collection of YesWePlan! Best Practice Examples a number of concrete tools, methods, and approaches to increase gender equity in the fields of education and vocational training, professional representation and support and working conditions were developed.  They also take into account previous research and recommendations on national and European level and address Universities, professional chambers and organizations and employers.

Go to Recommendations

  • Promoting women in Architecture and Civil Engineering – Country Situation Reports
     The YesWePlan! Country Situation Reports are analyses that were carried out to provide better comparability between project partner countries. They analyse legal and practical gender equality frameworks and conditions and have a focus on gender-specific differences with regard to vocational training and professional practice.

Go to Country Reports

  • Promoting women in Architecture and Civil Engineering – Career Tracker Report
    The core of the project is the so-called YesWePlan! Career Tracker that was developed on the basis of the YesWePlan! Country Situation Reports and led to the implementation of a broad European online survey on gender equality issues with over a thousand responses. The survey was complemented by over a hundred qualitative interviews and the results build an excellent basis for the definition of relevant measures for the promotion of gender equity. They are reflected in the YesWePlan! Recommendations. The YesWePlan! Career Tracker will be re-used and promoted as an efficient tool to evaluate gender equality issues in professions.

Go to Career Tracker

  • Promoting women in Architecture and Civil Engineering – Best Practice Examples Collection
    The YesWePlan! Best Practice Examples, a collection of national best practise approaches to promote gender equity, was created to enable the project partners to learn from each other. Therefore, their transferability is an important aspect. A good example of a transferred best practise is the French ARVHA Women Architects Award, which annually honours outstanding works by women architects and which has now been transferred to Austria in a similar form.

Go to Best Practice Collection

The results and recommendations of the projects were presented and discussed with the Presidents of the main European professional organizations for Architects and Civil Engineers (Architects Council of Europe – ACE, European Council of Civil Engineers – ECCE and European Council of Engineers Chambers – ECEC) at a major project closing event in Vienna on 31 March 2022.

The Compendium 4 in 1 contains all parts of the projects results at a glance and can be downloaded here.

Main Project Outputs

YesWePlan! Compendium 4 in 1 : PRACTICE




Country Situation Reports


The YesWePlan! Career Tracking Analysis


Best Practice Collection

YesWePlan! Career Tracking System

Development of an online based data collection tool / common interview guidelines / data analysis form (based on country situation analysis) until summer 2020

Pilot conduct of survey by all partner organisations starting in November 2020 (6 months’ time): Online survey (30 min) min 200 respondents in total / interviews (60 min) min 100 respondents in total

Data procession and evaluation / reports / finalisations / recommendations etc. from June to October 2021