In the framework of the WIA (Women in Architecture) Berlin Festival 2021, the German Chamber of Architects will host their YesWePlan! Multiplier Event.
YesWePlan! Multiplier Event in the framework of the WIA Berlin
The „New European Bauhaus“ is an initiative launched by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen connecting the European Green Deal with our living environment. It is an open process that invites all Europeans to share their perceptions and ideas for the development of a sustainable inclusive and aesthetic, future.
End of April 2021 the first New European Bauhaus-Awards in 10 categories and with two parallel competition strings was launched: One for realised examples with a prize money of 30.000 Euro and the New European Bauhaus Rising Stars (up to 30 years of age) for new concepts and ideas with a prize money of 15.000 Euro.
Prize Categories:
Techniques, materials and processes for construction and design / Building in a spirit of circularity / Solutions for the co-evolution of built environment and nature / Regenerated urban and rural spaces / Products and Life Style / Preserved and transformed cultural heritage / Reinvented Places to meet and share / Mobilisation of Culture, Art and Communities / Modular adaptable and mobile living solutions / Interdisciplinary education models
Deadline: 31 May 2021
During the Co-Design Phase you have the possibility to communicate your perceptions directly to the European Commission by uploading best practise examples, ideas and challenges und thus contribute not only to shaping political initiative but also the calls for the NEB pilot projects that are expected for the next months.
The WFEO GREE Women in Engineering Award, was first announced during WFEO’s 50th Anniversary celebration at UNESCO headquarters in Paris in March 2018, with its sponsor GREE Electric Appliances. This is the first global Award to acknowledge and give visibility to outstanding women engineers, for their professional excellence and contribution to engineering for the good of people and planet.
The 2020 WFEO GREE Women in Engineering Award Winner is Elvira Fortunato from Portugal. She will be invited to attend the WES2021 Conference and WFEO General Assembly in San José, Costa Rica. The WFEO Awards Committee recognized with Highly Commended Entries, four more nominees, thus extending this important award on a multi-continental level. They will be invited to give a short speech at the awarding ceremony:
Ms. Harriette Amissah-Arthur from Ghana.
Ms. Magali Anderson from France.
Ms. Rosalind Archer from New Zealand.
Ms. Sabah Mashaly from Egypt.
The Awarding Ceremony will be held on 8 April 2021 as a webinar, streamed on the Youtube Channel of WFEO.
The Multiplier event will be organised by the French Project Partner ARVHA in the town city Saint Denis in France! Visit the website of ARVHA for registration and more details!
YWP! European Symposium Saint DenisHow to improve the place of women architects in Europe
On 22 January 2021 the YesWePlan! project partners met German MEP Christine Schneider in a video conference. Ms Schneider is a member of the FEMM Committee and one of the shadow Rapporteurs of the EP own initiative report on “Promoting gender equality in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and careers”:
It was a very intensive exchange of practical professional and personal experiences, of project findings and ideas for approaches to gender equality. A summary of important points and first YesWePlan! project findings was submitted to Ms Schneider after the meeting:
The participating women Architects and Civil Engineers agree: “This form of dialogue was very inspiring and thought provoking and an excellent way to transport experiences from profession to politics and vice versa!”
8th Women Architects AwardThe 8th Women Architects Award Ceremony will be broadcasted live on the Facebook Page of ARVHA on 9 December 2020 starting at 4.45pm!
A digital projection of the works and designs of Austrian female Architects and Engineers in public places – This Exhibition is currently shown in the city of Klagenfurt: The aim of the exhibition, which originally was shown as a real live exhibition in several places in and outside of Austria and was then digitalized is raising the visibility of female professional excellence in Architecture and Engineering. It was initiated by the Committee of Female Architects and Engineers in the BKZT and will be displayed as a best practice example in the YesWePlan! Project.
The spanish organisation Nuestras Arquitectas have launched a photo contest to help raising awareness and recognition on the contribution of women architects in order to disseminate and socialize the architectural works produced by women to our society. See the Link to find out more.
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