Chamber of Architects and chartered Engineering Consultants for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland
Chamber of Architects and chartered Engineering Consultants for Upper Austria and Salzburg
Chamber of Architects and chartered Engineering Consultants for Styria and Carinthia
Chamber of Architects and chartered Engineering Consultants for Tyrol and Vorarlberg
Ausschuss der ZiviltechnikerInnen Österreich
ÖIAV / Austrian Association for Architects and Engineers
Architects’ Society of Ljubljana (DAL)
Slovenian Association of Landscape Architects (SALA)
Association of Societies of Civil Engineers and Technicians of Slovenia
France Stele Art History Institute
Museum of Architecture and Design
Center of Architecture of Slovenia
Institution of the Piranesi Foundation
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE)
Consejo Superiro de Colegios de Arquitectos de España (CSCAE)
Colegio Territorial de Arquitectos de Valencia (CTOV)
Atxu Amann – Polytechnical University of Madrid
Zaida Muxí – Polytechnical University of Catalonia
María Carreiro – University of A Coruña
Daniela Arias – Un dia | Una arquitecta
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