AnotHERVIEWture Award 2024

The anotHERVIEWture award, which was first launched in 2022, is being organised by the Austrian Federal Chamber of Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants – initiated by the committee “Ziviltechnikerinnen Österreichs” (female architects and civil engineers of Austria) – for the second time. The award is exclusive to women and was developed to highlight excellent achievementsContinue reading “AnotHERVIEWture Award 2024”

ACE A/B/C: Gender Balance, diversity & inclusion

The Architects’ Council of Europe has released a booklet with the title A/B/C: Gender Balance, diversity & inclusion in architecture on the Actions / Benefits / Culture behind inequality in European building culture. The booklet defines itself as a “call to action, a handbook, a manifesto, a practical tool for change, a voice, a commitment,Continue reading “ACE A/B/C: Gender Balance, diversity & inclusion”

Femmes Architectes Award in France

The annual French Femmes Architectes Award has gone through another round last week in Paris. It was again organised by ARHVA, the French Association for Research on the City and Housing. This award is still seen as one of the most important Best Practice Examples for female recognition and contribution to the European built environment.Continue reading “Femmes Architectes Award in France”

Interview with Finnish Architect Anni Laurila

Anni Laurila is a Finnish architect and urban designer that has recently been awarded the title of First Runner-up of the EFCA’s Future Leaders Competition. This Award is given to exceptional young professionals in the engineering consultancy sector every year. Being a young female professional in architecture and design, she conducted two interviews regarding theContinue reading “Interview with Finnish Architect Anni Laurila”

Discussions on Gender Equality with Eurocrades and CEPLIS

Eurocrades (Council of European Professional & Managerial Staff) and CEPLIS (European Council of Liberal Professions) co-hosted a panel discussion on March 2nd to evaluate successes in gender equality in the past year and discuss further steps needed. The event was split into two panels by experts in gender equality and the discussions managed to setContinue reading “Discussions on Gender Equality with Eurocrades and CEPLIS”

International Women’s Day

On this year’s International Women’s Day, we would like to present various campaigns and events that discuss gender equality and help recognise the many excellent female professionals in Architecture and Civil Engineering. Today, look out for the Hashtags #IngéEgalité (for French speakers) and #EqualityinEngineering in order to get involved with a campaign by Syntec-Ingénierie onContinue reading “International Women’s Day”

Spanish Books on Women in Architecture

The YesWePlan! project parnters from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), namely Eva M Álvarez and Carlos J. Gómez, have been working on editing books on women in architecture. The first being a book on Brazilian/Italian-born architect Lina Bo Bardi, who designed and planned many buildings in Brazil and also realised her responsibility as anContinue reading “Spanish Books on Women in Architecture”

Programme of the Swedish Presidency of the Council

As Sweden has taken on the Presidency of the Council of Europe for the first half of 2023, the Swedish Presidency has now presented their programme for their presidency. Their focus points include measures to strengthen the security of a unified Europe, improve the competitiveness of the Union, continue efforts towards the green transition andContinue reading “Programme of the Swedish Presidency of the Council”

New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023

For the third time, the European Commission is organising the New European Bauhaus Prizes. These continuously aim at highlighting spectacular projects as well as innovative concepts that promote aesthetics, sustainability and inclusivity. The NEB Prizes are particularly representative of young architects and women architects, as the projects are evaluated by a professional team of assessors.Continue reading “New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023”

Results of the Femmes Architectes Award in France

On 15 November 2022, the annual award ceremony for the Prix Français des Femmes Architectes (French Award for Women Architects) was held in Paris. This is the tenth edition of said award, and it is still seen as an exemplary measure for honouring women in architecture. It was made to give recognition to female FrenchContinue reading “Results of the Femmes Architectes Award in France”