The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture: The Austrian Example

WEBINAR CONFERENCE & FACEBOOK LIVEOrder of Architects of the Province of Milan
18.00 – 20.00 hrsVia Solferino 17-19

On Thursday 10th March 2022 from 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm, a new meeting of the cycle “The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture” will take place online and via Facebook Live.

After the first six online meetings held in October 2020 – on the Swiss and Finnish examples – in February 2021 – on the British and Danish examples – and in November 2022 – on the Spanish and Chilean examples – the cycle continues in March 2022 with two online meetings on the Austrian (March 10) and Canadian (March 24) examples.

The Foundation of the Order of Architects P.P.C. of the Province of Milan continues promoting the initiative “The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture” curated by the architect Arianna Callocchia. Its goal is to continue to highlight the role and the importance that women play in contemporary architecture. The event has been organised to foster discussion and create an opportunity for dialogue and professional exchange between the Italian and the international scenario.

During the online meeting on 10th March “The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture: The Austrian Example”, the designers themselves will illustrate some projects recently promoted in Austria. The aim is to present their approach and their design philosophy in contemporary architecture within the themes of environmental sustainability, technological innovation and building redevelopment. The meeting will also touch on the relationship with the historical, cultural and urban context.

After the welcome remarks by Bianca Miglietta, Councilor of the Order and Foundation of the Order of Architects P.P.C. of the Province of Milan and Susanne Ranetzky, Director of the Austrian Forum of Culture Milan, the floor will be given to Silja Tillner, Architekten Tillner & Willinger of Wien and Stefanie Wögrath, Illiz Architektur of Wien. Silja Tillner, will illustrate some projects built in Austria significant for their design approach on the themes of circular economy, reuse of buildings, environmental sustainability and reduction of CO2 emissions. Stefanie Wögrath, will present a selection of projects  bult in  Wien linked to social housing, urban regeneration and architectural redevelopment. The meeting will be moderated by Ilaria Valente, DAStU, Politecnico of Milan.

The speeches of the Austrian Speakers will be held in English.

The conference is organised with the Patronage of the Order of Architects P.P.C. of the Province of Milan, the Italian Council of Architects, the Embassy of Austria in Italy,  theÖsterreichisches Kulturforum Mailand, the Frauenmuseum Hittisau and the Bundeskammer der ZiviltechnikerInnen.

Media Partnerof the initiative is the Editorial Group Design Diffusion World Srl


Open to the architects registered with the Order of Architect of Milan and to Italian architects.

Facebook Live
Open to everyone, streamed on the Facebook page of the Order of Architects P.P.C. of the Province of Milan

at 6.00 pm on 10th March 2022.  (Pagina Facebook di Ordine e Fondazione )

More info in Italian available at the following link:
Il contributo delle donne nell’architettura contemporanea: l’esempio austriaco | Ordine degli Architetti (