The YesWePlan! project parnters from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), namely Eva M Álvarez and Carlos J. Gómez, have been working on editing books on women in architecture. The first being a book on Brazilian/Italian-born architect Lina Bo Bardi, who designed and planned many buildings in Brazil and also realised her responsibility as an architect by dedicating a lot of her work to affordable housing. The book carries the title ‘Lina Bo Bardi en Bahia’ and is a collection of pictures and designs by author Carla Zollinger in Spanish.
The second book is a translation of Dolores Hayden’s book ‘The Grand Domestic Revolution– A History of Feminist Designs for American Homes, Neighborhoods, and Cities’ into Spanish. Like the English version, the aim is to bring light to extraordinary plans and strategies of women architects and give an overview of their historic impacts.

The UPV partners have been realising many more projects on gender equality in architecture in Spain, more information will be given once the books are available for sale and further information on their upcoming events is released. We recommend to stay updated with the YesWePlan! Twitter Account.
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