AnotHER VIEWture Award Ceremony

On 20 October 2022, the first ever AnotHER VIEWture Award was held in Vienna in the Academy of Fine Arts. This architectural competition was created by the Austrian Federal Chamber of Engineering Consultants (BKZT) in order to give women in architecture and engineering recognition for their contributions to building culture and help shape the industryContinue reading “AnotHER VIEWture Award Ceremony”

Elections 2022 in the Chamber of Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants in Austria:
A step towards gender equality in professional representation

Though the YesWePlan! Project has now officially come to an end, the many outcomes that resulted from the project are now finding their way into practice by professionals in education, profession and work places. The YWP! Recommendations provides tools and suggestions for changes in the different environments in order to achieve a more inclusive environmentContinue reading Elections 2022 in the Chamber of Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants in Austria:
A step towards gender equality in professional representation

Female power at the 4th European Engineers Day

At the 4th European Engineers Day which took place in Brussels on 21 June, co-organising Organisation ECEC (European Council of Engineers Chambers) made a start to implement the YwP! recommendations and invited Geodetic surveyor Blazenka Micevic, to hold a speech on why women power is essential for the success of the New European Bauhaus. WatchContinue reading “Female power at the 4th European Engineers Day”

Combating the gender gap

A summary of the YesWePlan! project The Erasmus+ project YesWePlan!, launched at the end of 2019 by the Austrian Federal Chamber of Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants and carried out by professional organisations and universities from 5 European countries, has been completed: The aim of the project was to determine the influence of women inContinue reading “Combating the gender gap”

Launch of ARVHA´s Woman architect Awards 2022

ARVHA, Association for Research on the City and Housing, launches the 10th edition of the French Prize for Women Architects with the support of the Pavillon de l’Arsenal, the National Council of the Order of Architects of the Region Ile de France and the city of Paris. For the 2022 Awards, ARVHA also receives theContinue reading “Launch of ARVHA´s Woman architect Awards 2022”