A summary of the YesWePlan! project

The Erasmus+ project YesWePlan!, launched at the end of 2019 by the Austrian Federal Chamber of Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants and carried out by professional organisations and universities from 5 European countries, has been completed: The aim of the project was to determine the influence of women in European Baukultur and to identify and counteract gender inequalities within the professions of architects and civil engineers. To reach this goal, data from Germany, Austria, France, Slovenia and Spain were collected via Europe-wide online surveys and additional in-depth interviews; a total of almost 1000 architects and civil engineers took part.
The results were complemented by country reports on the legal situation and by statistical data and best practice examples from the partner countries. In order to counteract the gender gap in a targeted and sustainable way, recommendations for professional organisations, training institutions and employers were derived from the project results. These include measures and tools that should contribute to equal treatment in the individual institutions, they were presented on 31 March 2022 in Vienna in the ‘Haus der EU’ and later discussed with the presidents of the European professional organisations: Ruth Schagemann for the Architects Council of Europe, Klaus Thürriedl for the European Council of Engineers Chambers and Andreas Brandner for the European Council of Civil Engineers. Evelyn Regner, Vice President of the European Parliament, hosted the event and stressed the importance of gender equality, especially in technical professions.
The results of the YesWePlan project are collected in a Compendium 4 in 1.
The Federal Chamber of Civil Engineers is now implementing this newly collected knowledge on several levels: As a transfer of a French best practice example (the French Award for Women Architects), a new award for women’s achievements in building culture will be presented for the first time in October 2022 in Austria. Applications for this AnotHER VIEWture AWARD will be accepted until 30 June. Access to the ‘International Female Architect of the Year Award’ is open to women architects of all nationalities.
AnotHER VIEWture award Website
Click here to see the post on the French Award for Women Architects: https://yesweplan.eu/2022/05/05/launch-of-arvhas-woman-architect-awards-2022/
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